Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014--General Conference Weekend

What an incredible weekend!

Those were awesome sessions of Genereal Conference! It's amazing how much all the talks really do relate to every single one of us, no matter what situation we are in. The April session is by far my most favorite weekend in the first half of the year. My second favorite is the Super Bowl... but that's not important.....
There is truly nothing better than hearing our Prophet's voice. It is a comforting, re-assuring sound, that brings peace and happiness. We were unfortunately unable to get anyone to accompany us to watch the sessions, nevertheless still had a great time.
There were many great talks that were given, and I got something important from every one of them, but a few that really caught my attention were these:
First, the talk by Sister Linda S. Reeves. She focused the second half of her talk towards families. She taught us how important it is to have certain things occurring in our lives on a daily basis. The three main things that were mentioned were 1. Daily scripture study; 2. Daily prayer; 3. Weekly family home evening. As a missionary, I do these three things consistently. The blessings that have come from doing them have been incredible. I have had the Spirit with me more and been able to make better decisions in everything I do. She said we must make these things a PRIORITY in family life.
Another that I enjoyed in the first session on Saturday, was that given by President Henry B. Eyring. He focused his talk on the power of Satan. One of the very first quotes that was given, said, "The Lord does not quit, and neither do we!" The Lord is always here to help us. It may take time, but He will never leave us. We too must stand strong in the face of adversary. He continued to talk about choosing the right. "If the blessings were immediate, choosing the right would not build faith." It is so important that we are constantly doing what we can to follow the Lord and his servants the Prophets. As we do this with scripture study and observation in all things, we will have the power needed to overcome Satan.
Priesthood session was incredible as well. I encourage everyone who has not watched it to do so. Especially the talk given by Dallin H. Oaks. The best quotes from his talk were these: 1. "Forget the rights focus on the responsibilities." This one is talking about Priesthood and/or leadership rights. They are not to give people power, rather to help them help others. We can not forget the purpose of sacred callings and authorities given to us. 2. "Marriage is a full partnership." On my mission, I have seen a ton of relationships go down hill a little bit because one of the two seems to think they have more right or power to things. This, as mentioned by Elder Oaks, is not the case at all. A marriage must be treated as an equality. If it is not, it will cause problems in the future.
I don't want to write forever about conference, but here are just a few more quotes that I loved from conference:
"Who we are right now, is NOT who we can become!" Donald L Hallstrom
"Worldly things CHOKE our abilities and sacred powers." Donald L Hallstrom
"What we consistently desire, we will one day become." Randall L Lidd
"REFINE, PURIFY, and ELEVATE your desires!" Randall L Lidd
"Negative habits WILL become addictions if we don't change them." Dieter F Uchtdorf
"If you ever find yourself where you should not be, GET OUT!" Thomas S Monson
"Be the same person in the dark and in the light. Everywhere you go." Thomas S Monson
"Choose to be grateful, no matter what!" Dieter F Uchtdorf
"The Gospel is not a checklist of things to do, rather, it lives within us." Jean A Stevens
"Never think we can't change." Gary E Stevenson
"We are NOT and NEVER will be alone." David A Bednar
"Learn from, change, or accept our challenges through prayer." David A Bednar
"Blame keeps wounds open; only forgiveness heals." Thomas S Monson

I KNOW that every single one of these speakers has been guided by the Lord in the messages they shared. These are things that the Lord has purposely put into our minds to ponder and use in our everyday lives. If you haven't yet had the chance to watch these sessions, please do it! Your lives will be blessed.
I know that as we follow the counsel and guidance given, we will be blessed.

Elder Pilkington

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