Transfers came around again and I'm staying in the same area, again! This will be my 8th transfer in the Mesa Grande Ward in Mesa, which is equivalent to a full year (just about). Our Bishop is highly considering giving me a calling and the other members want to buy me a house. ;)
The companionships were switched up a little bit. I am still on the reservation part of the ward, but am now with Elder Hugh Strike from Cincinnati, OH. He is great! He went to Harvard for a year before he came out, so is a pretty intelligent guy. Hopefully I don't rub off on him too much, or else he won't be accepted back into Harvard. He is 19 too, but just like 98% of the other missionaries, he is older. Our apartment is a little backwards. I have the most time on the mission out of the four of us, but I am also the youngest. The other companionship in the ward is Elder Trout and Elder Call. Elder Trout was in the Air Force for several years before coming out. He was actually converted during that time. He only has 2 years of being a member.We also taught and baptized a younger kid named J, who Elder Pope and I worked with a lot when we were together. He had moved away before he was able to ever accept a baptismal date, but has since moved back into the ward. It's awesome to actually see a seed that we planted begin to grow and make the decision to change his life through the saving ordinance of baptism!
I know that we are in the one and only TRUE church of our Savior Jesus Christ. He loves us more than we understand and recognize. Take time to look back on difficult times of life and witness the role He played. He always has been here and will always be here. Let's do all we can to allow His presence to be with us as we strive to bring others to His fold!